Barnes and Noble

The Wild Hunt

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Irish Terrier Rescue Network

My friend Sandy is involved with this worthwhile organization - -


The Irish Terrier Rescue Network is comprised of Rescue Organizations, Irish terrier breeders, and owners who have come together for the sole purpose of ensuring that every Irish Terrier has a hearth and a home to call their own.
Mission: To rescue, provide safe haven, and re-home abandoned, neglected, and unwanted Irish Terriers regardless of pedigree or circumstance.

Description: The Irish Terrier Rescue Network is a nationwide organization of Irish Terrier lovers, breeders and rescue organizations whose mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abandoned, neglected, or unwanted Irish Terriers.
Products:For Owners 
ITRN provides the following services:
Assistance in re-homing your Irish Terrier Assistance in releasing your Irish Terrier to Rescue. For Shelters and Rescue Organizations, 
ITRN provides the following services: Assistance in the placement of all Irish Terriers. Release to Rescue services. For new adoptive homes, ITRN provides: A support system with an experienced Irish Terrier Mentor.

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