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The Wild Hunt

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

03/22/2011 - Returning to the VA Clinic (after 27 years away)

Today I went back to the VA Clinic here in Central Ohio after about 27 years away - I had made some false starts in trying to get back under VA care over the past few years, but this time the staff were much more receptive than they had seemed previously on those trips.  They took my information and verified that I was still in their databases.  I have a physical set up for early next month, which means that they might find more stuff wrong (or not) at that time.  Anyhow, that's how things went in my life today.

SEARS.COM EXTRA 10% off Energy-Star Appliances 3/24-3/31 (see site for details)

GE Countertop Microwave J35195031 Craftsman 12 Amp Electric Blower with Vac Kit

Please excuse the links above - I'm still trying to figure out how to post Subscription links to my blog.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Red light Manners...

Is it the weather? Or have my fellow Central Ohioans gotten more aggressive over the winter? I have seen more callous driving this week than I have seen in the past six weeks - or I have gotten more aware of them lately.

Why do some people creep into the intersection at a red light? Haven't you had the process explained to you? If you make sure your vehicle is over that rectangular box in the pavement, you will activate the switching mechanism sooner than being five feet in front of it. I have seen several people this week that were actually blocking the crosswalk with their vehicle in their desire to proceed on their trip.
Relax, sit back on the rectangle and you just might get that turn arrow before the opposite flow of traffic.

Why can't my fellow drivers be more relaxed? It will help save the very expensive gasoline we are using at a horrible rate now.

Yesterday while driving at a steady 65 mph on I-70 Eastbound from downtown, some crazy young fool (I'm pushing 60, so most drivers are young compared to me) passed me on the right, proceeded to cross in front of me at speeds well above mine and then accelerated in the fast lane to get to the next clump of vehicles which he proceeded to weave through at speed as well. Not only is this dangerous behavior, but wasteful of that $3.59/gallon gasoline!

Earlier as I was heading out to the Main Library on Thursday, a car full of young men turned off of the main drive and casually crossed a double yellow line to get to the frontage road! More unsafe behavior!

Well sorry to sound like I'm preaching, but ever since I was struck by someone else's vehicle at a red light, I have been much more aware of vehicular stupidity - please don't let it be you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Veggie U??

Just a tid-bit to share from CMH Gourmand - Culinary Discovery & Misadventures in the Ice Cream Capital of the World (Columbus)

Are you missing the abundance of veggies available this time of year? See CMH Gourmand's solution -

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